Friday, May 23, 2008

Ron Paul in Louisville May 17th

To my delight Ron Paul made a stop in Louisville to hold a book signing at Boarders and attend a freedom rally at Freedom Palace (what a perfect venue name). The timing of the visit coincided with the Kentucky Primary held on May 20th.

Here is a picture of Ron signing my book.
The book signing was one of boarders biggest events (just behind Jimmy Carter). I was able to shake Ron's hand and say hello, but had to move on fairly quick because he was only signing books for 2 hours and there were over 600 people who wanted to see him. He was very kind and pleasant.

The rally was very interesting. 90% of the attendees were very intense supporters, shouting and yelling after each statement made by Ron. There was an NRA convention in Louisville that week and prior to the speech they had some pictures projected in the hall. They were showing pictures of guys with huge high power rifles and whenever one of those pictures were shown most of the crowd erupted in shouting and clapping. It was a bit redneck. All political groups from 911 Truthers to Constitution Party members to Republicans were there. The content of his speech was very consistent with what you would find on YouTube. There was a call to supporters to travel to the Republican convention to hold a massive rally (10,000 people) to pull media attention toward the revolution because it's likely that he will not be invited into convention.

Overall, for being the first political rally I've attended, the event was very interesting. Hopefully Ron will be back in the mix next election cycle or someone else with his views will be in the race.

1 comment:

shannon said...

Thanks for sharing. i think you told me there was a reported from the New York Times in attendance- here's the article, strangely in the Fashion and Style section.