Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Gallup poll of Muslims worldwide

i ran across another article today: 'Politics, not piety' dictate radicals in Muslim world: poll. Gallup polled 50,000 Muslims ins several predominately Muslim states. They found that 93% of Muslims condemn the 9/11 attacks. More notably, of the 7% who do, none citing religious reasons, but political reasons. This flies in the face of what we're being taught about "Islamofascism."

i'm becoming very politically-minded because i recognize that our government has a huge impact on the whole world. People live and die by our country's decisions. As a citizen in this Republic, i feel the weight of responsibility. So i've been educating myself and trying to educate others as i go.

But i want to be reasonable and level-headed. i don't want to be one of those bloggers who can get everyone like-minded to foam at the mouth and everyone else feeling defensive, because i don't think that ends up accomplishing anything. So i'd like to use this blog from time to time to say my piece, and i'd like for you all to call me out if i'm not being reasonable. Cool?


ScrewGoogle said...

Yes, please.

We (as a country) need to talk more about things that matter.

While I can't promise to keep up with your pace, I do support your motivation.

Matt said...

I'm ok with some conversations covering political subjects.