Friday, February 22, 2008

Who slipped up and let Michael Scheuer on FOX?

i can hardly believe i'm posting something from FOX News, let alone on my very first blog post of all time. Even more unbelievable is that they had Michael Scheuer on, since he does not follow the establishment line. Scheuer is the former head of the CIA's "Bin Laden Unit" and has since authored several books about the "War on Terror".


ScrewGoogle said...

Well, it was a stochastic inevitablity. Fox was bound to stumble upon the illusion of competency. :-)

As rational as this guy may be, he seems a bit paranoid.

Here's to being truthful.


shannon said...

He may seem paranoid, but who would be better informed about the threat of Al Quaeda than the guy in charge of studying them for the CIA?

Matt said...

Glad to see the topic got some air time.

What do you guys think of Nader jumping into the race? I saw some of it on Meet the Press and really liked Nader's come back to the stigma of "third party candidates are spoliers"

The media seems to think this hurts the Democrats more than Republicans.

shannon said...

It probably would hurt the Dems more- Nader appeals to progressives. For that reason, it might even affect Obama more than Hillary for the rest of the primary.

That said, i am all about third party candidacies! The current duopoly on our political system is unacceptable.