Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Justice for Ryan Frederick

Police break into man's house unannounced at night. Man shoots and kills one of the officers, thinking he's being burglarized (there was a break-in a week earlier). Police find that the lead was bad- he's not growing or selling weed. Punchline - Man is on trial for murder.


a) There have got to be better ways to arrest the guy for allegedly growing weed than an unannounced night raid. The man had no criminal record.

b) Let's end the drug war against marijuana users.

28 year old Ryan Frederick is just your average dude. i'm hoping this can be the high-profile case bringing policy changes- this is not the first time something like this has happened.

Ryan's not the only victim of this situation- don't forget the officer is dead, leaving behind a wife and three children. Let's hope something changes for everyone's sake.

Read the full article in Reason Magazine. Dig deeper in this wiki.

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