Thursday, February 21, 2008

Anybody else see the eclipse last night?


jb said...

...and I just learned the hard way that the pictures get clipped by the fixed width.

ScrewGoogle said...

Oooh, pretty.
I've seen it now!

I'll widen the blog a bit (like mine).

shannon said...

i did see it- pretty cool. Also cool is the view of the lunar eclipse from the moon.

ScrewGoogle said...

Now THAT is cool.
Almost too perfect.
Any conspiracy theorists out there?

Troy / Magic / Anthony Maze said...

My mom and step dad were in Jamaica when it happened, she said it was blood red and the Jamaicans were worried the world was ending...

(see Revelations Chapter... hm, JUST READ ALL OF IT)

shannon said...

tjhe blood red moon was the reference i was thinking of, too.... Whew, we made it past this one....